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Thank you for Signing Up to the 19th Hole

I want to personally welcome you to the 19th Hole.

You have now joined an exclusive group of like-minded, passionate golfers who are inspired by all things golf, golf improvement and travel.

We will be sending you a separate email with all of your registration details and how to access all of the videos, episodes and documentaries – in fact it should be in your inbox already.

Personal Invitation

Before you watch any of the videos in the 19th Hole I want to invite you to watch the short video and read the information below as I want to invite you to join our premiere golf and life changing program – Search 4 Scratch.

The Search 4 Scratch Program’s ultimate goal is to help you lower your handicap by 4 strokes or more in 3 months or less with the support of the Best Technical and Course Management Coaching, an Effective Practice Plan & a Champion Mindset.

As a 19th Hole Member I want you to have the Search 4 Scratch Program for 50% off the normal price.

After you’ve watched the video click the Join Now button in the information below to join the Search 4 Scratch Program.[/text_block]

The Search 4 Scratch Program Will Help You:

Lower Your Handicap by 4 Strokes or More in 3 Months or Less!

So You Feel More Confident, Consistent and In Control of Your Game Every Time You Play on the Golf Course!

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]12th July 2017

Dear 19th Hole Member,

My name is Andrew McCombe and I’m the creator of the Search 4 Scratch Golf Improvement Program.

For more than 25 years my head coach, Lawrie Montague and I have helped thousands of people, just like you, improve all elements of their golf and their lives by following a simple, yet very powerful self-enquiry process that you will learn when you enrol in the Search 4 Scratch Program.

The Search 4 Scratch Program WILL answer YOUR ultimate question, the question EVERY golfer dares to dream!

How Good Could I Be at Playing Golf if I was Trained with the Best Coaching Model, Practice Plan and Course Management System PLUS developing a Champion Mindset?

How good could you be at golf?

It’s our aim at Search 4 Scratch to help you find the answer you’ve been searching for.

The Search 4 Scratch Program is specifically designed to expose your unique golf potential and help you to fulfill it.

If you are a Male or Female A, B or C Grade Golfer who is 100% open minded, and you are committed to improving your handicap by 4 or more strokes, inside 3 months then this program is for you!

Now I Want to Be Clear and Upfront With You…

Our Search 4 Scratch improvement process is not about you getting to scratch, or a zero handicap, although if this is your goal that’s fine by us.

What it’s about is identifying your scratch – your lowest handicap, and we will help you to achieve this goal over a 3 month period.

That’s what makes Search 4 Scratch different from other Programs, Golf Schools and Academies!

Look, it’s common knowledge that less than 10 percent of amateur golfers take lessons, and those that do, rarely stick with them because they feel confused and conflicted with the information they receive and in most cases they get worse.

This is because the present golf instruction industry still can’t agree on a consistent model for golf improvement.

Every golf teacher has their way (or model), but maybe it’s not compatible with your way of learning.

There’s just too much focus on golf swing technique, besides the fact that you are probably learning (working on your technique) on a rubber mat at a driving range, or at the very least a level bit of turf. 

Yet the strange thing about this approach is that golf is played on a golf course!

So where does that leave you?

And Let’s Not Forget that Golf is 100 Percent a Head Game, Where You Have to Manage Your Mind and Emotions All of the Time.

So, if you are getting technique lessons all of the time, and there’s no training on how to learn effectively, then it might explain why you’re not making the progress you expect to make.

So at Search 4 Scratch our aim is to help you balance the Technical, Course Management, Purposeful Practice and the Champion Mindset elements that will ensure you become a far better Humanistic golfer, teaching you learn to Play Golf on the golf course rather than Perfecting your Golf Swing on the driving range, so you enjoy the game of golf again, free of the fear, doubt and confusion that is common place with the mechanistic approach to golf instruction.[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]We Believe You are Already a Perfect Learner with Unlimited Potential to Improve Your Game!

You and your golf / life are definitely not broken, and so you certainly do not need to be fixed in some way.

So after you complete the Search 4 Scratch Program you will be armed with a simple, yet very powerful set of technical, course management, practice and champion mindset tools that will help you become a better golfer, and a better person, and that you will be able to rely on for the rest of your golfing journey.


Have You Reached a Stage in Your Golf, where:

  • You Feel Like You Have Tried Everything to Improve but Nothing Seems to Work?
  • You Don’t Know How to Practice Effectively to Get the Maximum Results from Your Time Available?
  • You get Frustrated with Yourself as You Know what You’re Capable of but just Can’t Seem to Deliver?
  • You are Punishing or Self-Berating Yourself or…You have a High Expectation of Yourself and as soon as you Don’t Perform Your Inner Critic Jumps in and Berates You for Being a #&%@#$%?
  • You have Way Too Many Swing (or other Non-Golf Related) Thoughts before Each Shot?
  • Your Mental and Emotional State is Ruining Your Golf Rounds and Your Enjoyment and You Don’t Know What to Do About it?
  • You have Challenges like the Shanks, the Yips, the First Tee Jitters or Mid and/or Late Round Fade Outs?
  • You are not Improving as Fast as You Would Like…or Worse…
  • You are Losing Your Passion for the Game…or Maybe…
  • You are Contemplating Giving Up the Game Altogether!
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”20″ font_style=”300″]If You Are Like Most Other Golfers[/text_block]
  • You have Tried that Many Different Coaches, Teachers, Tips and/or Programs and You are Simply Confused and You Want to Bring Your Golf Back to the Simple, Fun and Enjoyable Game it was when you Started…Not to Mention…
  • It seems Every Instructor wants to Mould You into Rory Mcilroy, Adam Scott or Jason Day – but You Play off 20 and You’ll Never Play Like These Guys and it Only Makes You Feel Inadequate, Confused and Frustrated…Or Simply…
  • You have a Deeper Inner Calling that Just Says You Need to Do Something Different!
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Search 4 Scratch Will Help You Identify What Your Scratch Is

We’ll help you make it happen because we understand you, because we’ve been exactly where you are, we’ve felt the same frustrations, the not knowing where to go to get neutral advice, that is not trying to sell you more lessons, or more golf clubs, or the next shiny object!

We’ve also tried many different tips, tricks and techniques, and the harder we tried the worse we got.

In fact it wasn’t until we stopped trying and got clear on what we really wanted / needed that things began to change, and they changed quickly.

I Personally Lowered My Handicap by 4.5 Strokes in 2 Months and it Didn’t Involve Any Technical Practice…

It was purely a mindset adjustment that required me to let go and trust in myself more using a powerful relaxation technique and then playing within myself by using 70% of my capabilities for every shot, and playing to, and trusting my personal par on the golf course.

Things improved very quickly, and as I said, none of these required me to actually practice at all if I didn’t want to – It just needed me to look at playing golf in a different way.

Here’s the Proof…[/text_block]

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[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]Isn’t it Time to Stop Going Round and Round on the Golf Instruction Merry-Go-Round?

We feel that we’ve created an easy to follow golf improvement system (or pathway) that will help you learn, practice and then apply that practice on the golf course?

Imagine How Good You Would Feel if You Had a Simple, Step by Step Program, that:[/text_block]

  • Gives You Clarity on What To Do, When To Do It, and How To Do It, based on Where You Are The Master of Your Own Learning Destiny
  • Guides You at a Pace that is Specific To You, and Your Time Availability
  • Simplifies the Way You Play Golf by Removing the Confusion and Guess Work from Your Game
  • That Doesn’t Just Focus On Your Swing, But Teaches You How To Actually Play Golf Better On the Golf Course…And that Allows You To…
  • Practice Smarter NOT Harder!…So You Can…
  • Feel Calmer, More Relaxed, Confident, Consistent and In Control On the Golf Course…and Ultimately…
  • Fall in Love with Golf Again because You’ll be Trying Less and Achieving More and Your Scores Will Be Reflective of this Newly Restored Passion.
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[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]The Search 4 Scratch Program is Definitely for You if:[/text_block]
  • You Want to Reduce Your Handicap in the Simplest, Most Effective Way Possible
  • You are Committed to Achieving Your Personal Goals and Your Golf Goals
  • You are Open to New Ways of Thinking About Learning and Development
  • You Want to Play Pennants for Your Club Team
  • You Want to Win Your Club Championship and See Your Name on the Board in the Clubhouse
  • You Want to Compete With, or Even Beat Your Golfing Friends
  • You Want to Get to Scratch
  • You Want to Overcome Certain Challenges, like the Yips, the Shanks, the Slice, the Hook etc
  • You Want to Experience Personal Mastery with Your Golf
  • You Want to Learn to Practice Correctly
  • You Want to Improve Your Course Management Skills
  • You Want to Develop the Champion Mindset
  • You Want to Increase Your Health and Wellbeing
  • You Want to Feel More Confident, Consistent and In Control of Your Golf…And…
  • You Want to Develop a System for Each Skill, for Your Practice, for Your Course Management, and for Your Champion Mindset, that is Very Simple, and that You Can Revert to at Any Time, Under Any Pressure, for the Remainder of Your Golfing Life.
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We Will Show You Exactly How Your Ideal Golf and Life Reality Already Exists!

The Search 4 Scratch philosophy is that you are the creator of your golf reality and that you can create your ideal golf reality simply by thinking, feeling, believing and behaving all of the thoughts, feelings, beliefs and behaviours that are in alignment with the ideal golf reality that you want to experience and by default your handicap and scores will reduce, and your enjoyment levels will rise with a lot less effort when you are in personal alignment with this reality.

It’s Time to Eliminate the Guess Work, the Confusion and the Frustration Forever…

Just like Hellen did when she Lowered her Handicap by 14 Strokes in only 3 Months following the Search 4 Scratch Program.


Meet Your Coaches

Andrew McCombe – CEO of Golf University

Andrew has a Bachelor of Physical Education degree from Otago University in New Zealand and is a former athlete (representing both Australia and New Zealand), personal trainer, author, speaker and business coach and is now the recognized Producer, Director, Presenter and CEO of Golf Getaway – Australia’s (and possibly the world’s) only Golf Travel Television Show.

“I am passionate about golf and co-creating programs with some of the world’s best players, coaches and experts to help golfers of all levels increase their golfing consistency, performance and enjoyment.”

Lawrie Montague – Head of Golf Instruction

Lawrie has been improving novice to tour golfers for 30 years and is the former Australian Women’s National Team Coach, and during his career has coached tens of thousands of amateur as well as world top ten players.

Lawrie is currently the co-coach of the Indonesian National Golf Team and is also co-director of the Pro Tour Golf College in Perth and Indonesia.

“I’ve never met an amateur golfer who couldn’t significantly improve their game as long as they receive golf instruction that is communicated to them in their favoured learning style.”

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]Lawrie and fellow Golf University Coach David Milne were voted the 2016 Best Professional Golf Coaches in the Asia Pacific Region at the prestigious Asian Golf Awards, in Hua Hin, Thailand.

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]How Low Do You Think Your Handicap Could Go in 3 Months?

With the right support, we believe anything is possible….

So Here’s a Recap of What You’ll Learn in The Search 4 Scratch Program[/text_block]

  • 1

    The Fundamental Golf Skills and their Technical Foundations and their Applications in Various Situations, so You Will Experience Improvement On the Golf Course

  • 2

    How To Develop the Champion Mindset On and Off the Golf Course so that You Can Increase Your Mental Toughness

  • 3

    The Special Tools and Techniques to Overcome Obstacles and Challenges On and Off the Golf Course

  • 4

    A Purposeful Practice Process that Will Maximize Your Use of Time and Effort

  • 5

    High Quality Course Management Skills to Improve Your Scores Without Needing to Lengthen Your Drives or Spend Hours on the Driving Range

  • 6

    The Power of Target Golf – So You Can Learn to Play Within Yourself – but Achieve Much Greater Results from Your Golf Game!

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]When You Become a Member of the Search 4 Scratch Program You Will Receive:[/text_block]
  • A Search 4 Scratch 90 Day Online Training Diary

    Accessible on your computer, IPad or smart phone so you can access it at home, in the office or on the golf course 24 hours a day / 7 days a week) including:

    • Skill Assessments and Worksheets
      To Help you Assess Your Weakest to Strongest Areas of your Game, to Monitor Progress, Make Adjustments to Your Practice Plan and includes: Instructional Diagrams, Videos and Result Sheets
    • A Step by Step Program to follow each week
    • A Weekly Planner to Maximize your Efficiency
    • A Daily Training Diary that you can Record your Practice or Competition sessions
  • 6 Champion Mindset Modules / Videos, including:

    • Module 1 The Fastest and Easiest Way to Improve Your Golf
      Which will Teach you How to get Clarity on your Vision and Purpose for Playing Golf, so you can then Plan and Perform the Correct Behaviours and Attract the Right Support to help you Achieve your Golf and Life Goals
    • Module 2 The Search 4 Scratch Process
      Which will Teach you How to Eliminate Negative Thoughts, Feelings and Beliefs that are Hindering your Progress
    • Module 3 Eye Modes and Breathing
      To Teach you How to Remove Stress and / or Attract your Ideal Golf and Life Reality almost Instantly!
    • Module 4 My Ideal Handicap
      A Very Fast and Powerful Module to get you into Alignment with your Ideal Handicap
    • Module 5 Gratitude
      This Age Old Technique will Teach you How to Resonate with and Attract Your Ideal Golf and Life Reality
    • Module 6 My Lost Dreams
      This Module will Teach you How to Clear any Sub-Conscious Blockages that you may or may not know are even Sabotaging your Golf and Life Success.
  • 5 Course Management Modules / Videos, including:

    • Module 1 The 5L’s Model
      A Great Pre-Shot System that has been Designed for you to use before Every Shot on the Golf Course and that will Allow you to Hit the Ball with Confidence, Minimize your Risk and Maximise your Chance of Success
    • Module 2 The Target Golf Model
      A Great Module to Reinforce the Search 4 Scratch Philosophy almost Instantly as you will be able to Resonate Very Quickly with your Ideal Target on Each Shot you Want to Play by Focusing only on the Target that you Want to Hit.
    • Module 3 The 70% Model
      The 70% Model will Teach you How to Play the Shot you Know you Can Comfortably Hit 70% of the time with Absolute Certainty, which will Increase your Consistency and Confidence and your Golf will Feel a Lot More Effortless.
    • Module 4 The Personal Par Model
      The Personal Par Module will Teach you the Most Effective Course Management Model available and will Maximize your Scoring Ability and Reduce any Pressure you may be Feeling on the Golf Course.
    • Module 5 The 6 x 3 Model
      The 6 x 3 Module will Teach you How to Remain Calm, Centered and Totally Focused throughout your Rounds on the Golf Course.
  • The Best Way to Practice Module / Video

    This Module which will add Rocket Fuel to the Effectiveness and Efficiency of your Practice Sessions by Ensuring your Practice is Specific to you

  • A Weekly Summary

    To Monitor your Improvements and Make Adjustments for the following week

  • Weekly Reminder Emails to Support Your Golf and Life Goals

Plus to Fast Track Your Results We’re Giving You the Following Bonuses:

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That’s a Total Value of Over $2100

But You’ll Get the Entire Search 4 Scratch Program and all of the Bonuses

For Only



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No thanks please take me to the19th Hole instead

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]Here’s to Lowering Your Handicap by 4 Strokes (or More) in the Next 3 months (or Less)!

Andrew McCombe

CEO Golf University

PS:The Search 4 Scratch Program has the ability to significantly improve your golf and your life and it will help you to realise that you have the ability to be, do and have anything you want in your golf and your life by using the tools and techniques that you will learn in the program.
